Choir & Music
Organist and Choir Director’s letter to each parishioner, September 2023
At the start of another season, I write to you about Zion Church’s choir.
We enjoy our singing and are encouraged by the appreciative comments we receive from time to time. For some reason, these messages seem to have become more frequent during the last three or four years. It is always affirming to be valued! So you may be surprised to learn that the number of singers has fallen in recent times.
At the beginning of 2020 – before the pandemic hit – we had sixteen singers. Just over three years later, we have only twelve. On average, eight or nine singers are in church on an ordinary Sunday morning. As choir director, I worry that a continued decrease will certainly challenge the impact of what we do. While I bring in additional singers for special occasions, the core has to come from within the Zion community.
My message to parishioners is very simple.
To continue to be effective, Zion Choir urgently needs more singers. Are there any who would like to join us, even occasionally?
Perhaps, come up the stairs to find out more, even for a couple of Sundays.
I realise that people are hesitant to take on additional commitments. But there is no pressure. We rehearse about twice a month immediately before the Service. My hope is that a singer who can be present at 10.30 will arrive 30 minutes or so earlier. Those already in the choir hugely enjoy what they do. Laughter is a feature of our short rehearsals. A fairly recent newcomer emailed me expressing gratitude for joining a ‘lovely mix of helpful, humorous and interesting people’.
I hope you will reflect on my concern, with Zion Parish in mind. And feel free to call me at any time, 24/7, for more information. 087 668 3998. Or chat to me at church.
With kind regards
Sunday 1st October: 9:45am
For your diaries:
New hymns introduced:
We sing the praise of him who died (Bow Brickhill)
Praise the Lord, rise up rejoicing (Evangelists)
For the healing of the nations (Alleluia, dulce carmen)
God in his love for us lent us this planet (Epiphany)
Here is a link to Compline, the traditional Anglican order, beautifully sung by the lay clerks of Guildford Cathedral in a 1975 broadcast.
Click for the Church Music Dublin website: