
We welcome you
to join us in worship,
to visit this historic place,
to feel welcome among us and
to be still in the presence of God.

Zion is a community of faith where everyone is welcome without exception.  We celebrate the generous grace of God and share it with one another in the spirit of liberal inclusivity.

We are delighted that you are looking at our website, but this can be no substitute for real human contact.  So, we extend a warm welcome to come and see us on Sundays or Wednesdays for worship, or to one of our events.  If you would like to chat with me over a cup of coffee, please drop me an email.

David White


The Rev’d David White – Rector

Rev David White

The Rev’d David White has been the Rector since September 2022.  Prior to ordination he trained and worked at the National Botanic Gardens, Dublin, and enjoys gardening in his free time.  Trained as a spiritual director, he believes that personal spirituality possesses the potential for life enrichment and happiness.  David is also passionate about the role of faith communities in efforts to deal with climate breakdown and is a Climate Ambassador (An Taisce).

The Rev’d Caroline Casserly – Assistant Priest

The Rev’d Caroline was ordained deacon in 2013 and ordained priest in 2014 in the Diocese of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory to serve in the non-stipendiary ministry. She currently works as a director for a large housing association, non-for-profit, in Dublin and has been in this industry since 2015. Prior to this she worked for many years in the retail sector. She was appointed as Assistant Priest in Zion in April 2023.
Caroline is committed to building communities as well as the role of ‘hospitality’ in welcoming the stranger into our communities. She spent six years on the board of CMS Ireland which she truly valued. Outside of work, she loves exploring the outdoors, is passionate about music, enjoys travelling and spending time with her family.

David McConnell – Organist and Choir Director

David has been organist and choir director at Zion Church since 1997. He is responsible for the music at the main Sunday morning service and holds rehearsals with the choir at 9.45 on Sundays, twice a month and occasionally on weekday evenings.

Previous appointments were at Tullow Church (Carrickmines),  Christ Church Leeson Park and Rathfarnham Parish Church.  David studied organ with Eric de Courcy in Waterford and then with Sidney Greig and David Lee in Dublin. He is a member of the Executive of Church Music Dublin .

While church music has been a driving force throughout David’s adult life, he also is deeply involved in the arts community and worked at the Arts Council for many years. Currently he manages the finances of an art gallery, artists’ studios and a dance company.

See also Choir & Music page.

Deirdre Hoey – Parish Administrator

Deirdre holds a degree in History from Nottingham, an MBA from TCD and a Diploma in Art and Design from NCAD.  Before motherhood took over, Deirdre had a career in heritage management and exhibition design.

Deirdre is a parishioner and school parent and is passionate about community and the Zion Parish family.  She is heavily involved with Community Sponsorship Group Home from Home D6.  In her spare time she will be found playing golf.

If you need to contact Deirdre please send an email to the Parish Office,

(Also if you would like to receive the weekly email and the monthly newsletter please let her know.)

Olga Powderly – School Administrator

Olga Powderly supports the Principal, Board of Management and staff with general administrative duties and provides a warm welcome for the children and all the visitors to the school.

Olga attended Wesley College and is mum to three small girls who keep her busy.  Olga is in the office Monday- Friday 9.00 – 13.00 and is accessible on email at

The Zion Parish School website can be accessed: HERE

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