Times of Services

We gather on Sundays and Wednesdays for worship.


We have Holy Communion (The Eucharist) at 9.00am every week. (The Book of Common Prayer, traditional Holy Communion 1) There is no music or sermon at this short reflective service.

The main service – at which there is singing and organ music – takes place at 10.30am as either Holy Communion (The Eucharist) or Morning Prayer. On the third Sunday of the month children have substantial involvement in this service.


A short celebration of Holy Communion (The Eucharist) is held every Wednesday morning at 10.30am. On the first Wednesday of the month this service includes a ‘Service of Wholeness & Healing’.

Upcoming Services

For more information see the ‘Weekly News’ HERE

Eucharistic Hospitality

Communicant members of all Christian Churches are welcome to receive Holy Communion at our services.

Gluten free bread is available. Just let the priest know at the time of receiving.

If a person would like to receive a blessing instead of the bread and wine, they should please cross their hands across their chest, so that the priest will know their intention.

Some background

Anglican liturgy (worship) expresses the faith of the Church which is distinctive to this tradition, and also what Anglicans hold in common with other Christians.  The Rev’d William Marshall contends that Anglicans ‘tend to express the central truths of the faith liturgically rather than in systems of theology.’[1] In this, the Church affirms the ancient maxim lex orandi, lex credendi, the law of prayer is the law of faith.  In other words, what Anglicans pray is what Anglicans believe.

[1] William Marshall, Scripture, Tradition and Reason: A Selective View of Anglican Theology through the Centuries (Dublin: The Columba Press/APCK, 2010) p. 22; cf. also: pp. 243-245

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