Healer Prayer Union

What is it?

For many many years Zion Healer Prayer Union members have prayed for people from within our community and without.  Prayer of intercession is a reminder that we are all in need of God’s love and healing. When asked, Intercessors from ZHPU will pray for those in need of God’s healing of mind, body, or spirit, and those who need to be upheld in loving prayer.

 Are you or a loved one in need of prayer?

If you or a loved one would like to be prayed for please get in touch with Margaret through the contact details below.

 Would you consider being an Intercessor?

There is very little involved.

On the first Tuesday of every month or thereabouts you will receive an email (or letter if you prefer) detailing the names of 4/5 people who are sick together with a brief description of their illnesses.  First names only are used to protect the identity of the person who is ill, and confidentiality is mandatory and respected.   All that’s required is for you, as an Intercessor, to say a short simple prayer on a daily basis for the names on your list.  There is no problem if you forget on occasion or are unable to pray, for whatever reason, as you will be in a group of 3/4 other Intercessors who will continue with their prayers. We have 11 groups of Intercessors, each group praying for 4/5 different names.

As Intercessors, we usually meet on the first Tuesday of every month at 8 pm in the Meeting Room in Zion Parish Hall. There is no obligation whatsoever to attend these meetings, but they are a nice way to get to know the other Intercessors and an excuse to have a chat, a cuppa and a slice of cake!

As a group we believe in the power of prayer. It’s a quiet way to support people who are ill or troubled and can bring a strong sense of peace, comfort and calmness to their lives.

Hope the above explains how it works.  If you would like to be part of our group, please don’t hesitate to contact us (see below).

We’d really appreciate your support.


Secretary Zion Healer Prayer Union

Email:            magsanderson1962@gmail.com

or contact her through the Parish Office.

Monthly Service

On the first Wednesday of every month at 10.30 am, a Service of Healing & Wholeness is held. Everyone is welcome.

The Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland

The Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland is a Church of Ireland organisation that is dedicated to bringing Christ’s healing and wholeness to all.

More information at: www.ministryofhealing.ie

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