Parish Office · Contact Details
The Parish Office is usually open on Monday and Thursday from 9am to 1.30pm.
Deirdre Hoey is the Parish Administrator and she will pick up emails outside of the office hours.
If you would like to receive the weekly email and the monthly newsletter please let her know.
Enquiries about donations and regular giving may also be directed to her.
tel: 01 406 4730 If there is no answer, you may leave a voice message.
For genealogical enquiries please click HERE
Some ways to keep in touch:
Receive the Weekly News and Monthly Newsletter by Email: Contact Deirdre at
Bring the Sunday Service Sheet home after service as a reminder of dates and events
Join the Kids’ Sunday Club WhatsApp Group: Contact Rev’d David at
Like our Facebook Page: ‘Zion Parish Church’
Join the Zion Parish Group WhatsApp Group: Contact Rev’d David at
The Rev’d David White is the Rector.
Rectory number: 01 564 7833 (Monday is the Rector’s day off.)